A MAN who broke several driving laws and damaged a police ankle tag has been sent to prison for 15 months.

Curtis Yaldiz, of no fixed abode, committed the offences on May 7.

The 27-year-old appeared at Bristol Crown Court on July 17, when he pleaded not guilty to driving while disqualified, driving dangerously, driving without insurance and causing criminal damage to property valued at under £5,000.

But he changed his pleas to guilty on all four counts on July 25.

The court heard that Yaldiz caused criminal damage to a Buddi Tag that belonged to Avon and Somerset Police and was valued at £400.

The tag is worn around the ankle and uses “multiple technologies” to provide “accurate, minute to minute location information” to help control and rehabilitate offenders and protect local communities.

He also admitted to driving a Peugeot van dangerously on Upper Church Road in Weston while he was disqualified from getting behind the wheel.

The van was uninsured at the time of the offence.

Yaldiz has been disqualified from driving for two years and seven months, which includes seven months made under section 35A of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

This act means a court must extend the disqualification period by half of the custodial sentence if the offender is given one.

No order was made for Yaldiz to pay court costs, but he must pay a £187 surcharge to fund victim services by April 22, 2025.