Somerset cider maker, Thatchers, is opening applications for its 2023 Community Orchard project today, January 4th, for the third year in a row.

500 apple trees have been made available to community groups nationwide in a bid to encourage tree planting by community groups and charities alike.

Martin Thatcher, a fourth generation cider maker, believes that growing apple trees is about more than just making cider: “We all know that planting trees helps the environment and supports biodiversity but being out in nature is so good for wellbeing too."

In 2022, Thatchers gave away an impressive 350 apple trees to over 50 organisations across the UK.

Thatchers orchard manager, Chris Muntz-Torres, has carefully chosen the varieties of apple trees to be donated, ensuring that they are easy to grow and maintain: “Varieties will include Bramley, Scrumptious, Dabinett and Katy, that could be pressed into juice, or of course enjoyed as eating or cooking apples. We will provide stakes, guards and ties to assist in planting, as well as detailed instructions on how to plant a tree.”

If you are interested, you will need to fill in a simple form, with details of your community group, and a brief description of how the trees will be of benefit. Applications close on February 3rd.

Groups can apply to be considered for a bundle of 5 apple trees each by visiting