WESTON has welcomed its new mayor, Cllr John Crockford-Hawley.

Yesterday (Thursday, May 16), a 'mayor making' ceremony was held to mark the passing over of the role from the town's previous mayor, Cllr Ciaran Cronnelly.

Cllr Crockford-Hawley, a heritage champion, has spent around 50 years serving the Weston and wider North Somerset community. Notable successes include his work with Weston museum and his role in creating the Weston Civic Society.

Cllr Cronnelly, who has held the position for the past year, has said that it has been an "incredible honour" to have represented Weston.

Cllr Cronnelly said: "Thank you and goodbye.

"It's been an incredible honour to have represented our amazing and beautiful town of Weston-super-Mare as your mayor. I have spent my year learning and promoting as many incredible residents, communities and businesses as I can, and showing that Weston is AMAZING.

"We are a town with a thriving, positive and passionate community. We are a town that I truly believe is special and one of the best places to live and work.

"My goal as mayor was to just be me, to be authentic, to try and make the mayor role less formal and more approachable, whilst showcasing the best of Weston.

"I hope I've achieved that.

"Thank you all for your incredibly kindness over the last year and for the support you've given me. We had some wild ideas - like running a marathon - but you all stepped up and you are the reason we raised just under £10k for WsM Foodbank.

"We also granted the greatest honour of freedom of the town to the RNLI Weston-super-Mare, celebrated incredible individuals and organisations, developed greater links with our twin town of Hildesheim and we showcased new businesses, initiatives and communities.

"So what will I do now my term as mayor has ended?

"Well i'm not going far as i'm still a councillor so you can follow me if you want to see what I get up to: https://www.facebook.com/ciaranwsm/

"But for the most part I'll be having a lack of sleep and changing nappies as Katherine and I are due to have our first child in July.

"Thank you all - keep being brilliant."