THE water quality for Weston's Marine Lake has been deemed as "excellent."

The quality test, which took place earlier this month, was the first of the season.

A spokesperson from the Weston-super-Mare Marine Lake Mudlarks said: "First water test of the season - and the water is excellent!"

Cllr Mike Bell, leader of North Somerset Council, added: "First test of the year and Marine Lake, Weston got an Excellent rating. It always varies during the season, but a great start."

More information about the test can be found on the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs' website, which reads: "The Environment Agency takes up to twenty water samples at each of England’s designated bathing waters during the bathing water season between May and September each year.

"A classification for each bathing water is calculated annually based on samples from the previous four years.

"If a bathing water is classified as Poor, then a sign advising against bathing will be displayed. However, the beach remains open for people to enjoy."