WESTON Labour Party has announced a change of leadership within the town's council.

Following a vote on May 16, Cllr Ciaran Cronnelly, the former mayor of Weston, has been appointed the new Leader of the Labour Group and the Leader of Weston-super-Mare Town Council, succeeding Alan Peak.

Meanwhile, Cllr Owen James will assume the role of Deputy Leader, taking over from Cllr James Clayton.

Weston Mercury: Cllr Owen James.Cllr Owen James. (Image: Cllr Ciaran Cronnelly)

Cllr Cronnelly said: “I’m humbled to have been elected leader of Weston-super-Mare Town Council, and leader of the Labour Group. Weston is an amazing town, with brilliant businesses, and fantastic residents.

"There’s a lot of positives to our town and I intend to continue to champion Weston-super-Mare.”

Cllr Owen James added: “I’m delighted to be elected the deputy leader of the Labour Group. Weston-super-Mare Labour is full of passionate councillors who deliver for their communities and I’m looking forward to working with them in the year ahead and showing residents of Weston that Labour delivers.”

In 2023/24, the Labour-led town council brought about a series of improvements to Weston, which included:

  • Delivering the first all-inclusive SEND play area at Castle Batch;
  • Continuing its strategic partnerships with organisations like Citizens Advice North Somerset, Somewhere to Go, Town Centre Partnership and YMCA;
  • Securing and renovating the historic Mercury building which will become the town council’s new HQ;
  • Securing £700k in funding for the development of the town's Quarry into a community asset;
  • Enhancing CCTV in the town.

Speaking about Weston Labour’s priorities, Cllr Ciaran Cronnelly said: “We’re keen for Weston to explore devolution opportunities from North Somerset Council to give Weston residents a greater say and control of the assets that matter to them, as well as continuing to explore ways we can make a town market a reality.”

The new leader also thanked Cllr Peak for his leadership.

Cllr Cronnelly added: “I’d personally like to thank Cllr Peak for his leadership of the Town Council and the Labour Group since 2019.

"He’s led us through a pandemic, a cost of living crisis and numerous internal and external changes. Without his political leadership the town council wouldn’t be in the strong position it is today to take forward our priorities.”