A WESTON Scout has been honoured by Bear Grylls at Windsor Castle.

Ethan Harwood was congratulated by chief Scout Grylls and the Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire, Mr Andrew Try, for achieving the King's Scout Award: the highest award in Scouting for adventure and skill development.

The Scouts at the ceremony were joined by ambassadors Dwayne Fields, Ellie Simmonds and Warwick Davis in front of their family and friends.

The King's Scout Award is presented for outstanding personal achievement and is achieved by Scouts aged between 16 and 25.

The young people have to complete a range of challenges, including service to their community, an expedition, a five-day residential project in a new environment, developing an existing talent or learning new skills.

Grylls said: “I am so proud to celebrate the achievements of the King’s Scouts here today at Windsor.

“Gaining this award is the pinnacle of their Scouting journey.

“Ethan has demonstrated courage and kindness, alongside a true Never Give Up spirit, and shown Scouting values to the highest of standards.

“They’ve contributed hugely to their communities and developed many skills along the way.

“These Scouts are an inspiration to us all due to their commitment, enthusiasm and hard work - I am full of pride for every single one of them.”

Weston Mercury: Chief scout Bear Grylls.Chief scout Bear Grylls. (Image: Scouts)

Ethan said: “Gaining my King’s Scout Award was the last step in my Scouting Journey as a youth member.

“I have achieved so many things doing my award and it has given me plenty to talk about and has really benefited me in interviews.

“I have made lifelong friends through my participation. I have volunteered my time as a Young Leader at a local Scout Group and learnt to drive.

“My volunteering has now enabled me to grow in confidence and I have now become a county youth commissioner within Scouts.

“My expedition across Dartmoor was such an amazing experience where we slept under the stars!

“I have since gone back and done the same expedition with my friends as it was so enjoyable.”

The annual Windsor Castle event has been held since 1934 on the Sunday nearest to St George's Day (April 23), as he is the Patron Saint of Scouting.

Scouting offers over 200 different activities varying from archery to kayaking with all of them being tailored to help young people develop skills for life in the most effective way possible.