POLICE have seized two knives and arrested a man in Weston-super-Mare.

A spokesperson for Avon and Somerset Police said a man was charged with possessing two knives in public.

The force said its patrols were out in the town centre targeting anti-social behaviour and serious violence.

The Avon and Somerset Police spokesperson said: “Our patrols focused on targeting anti-social behaviour and serious violence are delivering positive results.

“While on patrol on Sunday, May 26 in Weston-super-Mare town centre, officers working with security staff seized two kitchen knives and arrested a man.

“Daniel James Lawson, 37, of Clevedon, appeared before Taunton Magistrates’ Court the next day and entered no plea to a charge of possessing two knives in public.

“He was remanded in custody, pending a trial, and is next due to appear at Taunton Crown Court on July 2.

“We can’t always be in the right place at exactly the right time, but through increased patrols we’ll continue to be able to disrupt crime and anti-social behaviour, making our streets safer for all.”