A local academy has presented its first ever school production.

Winterstoke Hundred Academy brought the music of UK's iconic rock band Queen to life with We Will Rock You.

The musical, set approximately 300 years in the future, tells a story of iPlanet, now controlled by the Killer Queen.

When it ran across two shows, including one to local primary schools, the production saw over 130 people enjoying the performance each night.

The preparation which began in October, saw 35 students make up the cast, supported by six crew members from Years 7-10.

(Image: Cabot Learning Federation)

Abie Evans, music lead at Winterstoke Hundred Academy, said: "It was a huge success, and we really hope those that came to watch enjoyed the show.

"The students worked tirelessly in rehearsals, and I was overwhelmed by the commitment, the dedication, the talent, and the wonderful community that has grown this year in the Performing Arts department, with collaboration from Design & Technology and Art staff and students.

"We are so proud of all the students involved, and we cannot wait to do it all again next year.

"It was fantastic to hear such wonderful feedback from students who watched, wanting to get involved in next year's production so look out for a launch in September."