A WEIGHT loss expert from Weston-super-Mare has been awarded Slimming World’s highest accolade having been named group of the year 2024.

Nigel who runs his group in Milton, has won the award for the exceptional work he does in helping more than 150 members to lose weight every week.

He said: “I am over the moon to have received this award, when I was nominated I didn’t for one moment believe I would win, and I’m still lost for words.

“I absolutely love my job. I’m passionate about helping people to transform their lives by losing weight and seeing them succeed is reward enough, but being given this recognition for the whole group and getting to enjoy a holiday with Margaret Miles Bramwell OBE as a result of the nomination really is the icing on the cake.

“This award belongs to the Milton group members.

"They’re the ones who make our group the success that it is with their fabulous commitment, the wonderful support they give each other every week, and, above all, their impressive weight losses while following Slimming World’s Food Optimising eating plan.

“They make the group a fun, buzzy place to be and I can safely say I always look forward to going to work. I truly believe I have the best job in the world.

“The group has really put healthy weight loss on the map in Weston. “Together, members have lost an amazing 317 stone so far this year.

“Obesity is at record levels everywhere and with over 60 per cent of adults in Weston and North Somerset being affected, many people here are suffering a range of weight-related health problems from diabetes to heart problems and feelings of low self-worth that impact on their working and personal lives every day.

“It’s never been more important that people who struggle with their weight get the support to make the changes needed to lead healthier lives – both for themselves and their children, too.”

Nigel, who runs the Saturday morning Slimming World group, received the award from the national slimming club because of his success in supporting slimmers to reach their dream weight and the super service he provides to those members every week.

The accolade is given to the Slimming World Consultant who is providing the most exceptional service nationwide, so that members come back week after week because they are losing weight beautifully and wouldn’t miss their weekly group for anything.

It represents the highest level of achievement within Slimming World and makes Nigel the most successful of Slimming World’s 4,000 Consultants in 2024, meaning Weston-super-Mare is home to some of the best slimming support in the UK.