Job interviews can be a very stressful thing to navigate, and there are a number of mistakes people can make that could ruin their chances.

If you're looking to make a good first impression and seal the deal then you don't want to be making these unintentionally.

A number of recruiters and business owners have revealed some errors people make in job interviews that you can seek to avoid.

10 mistakes people make in job interviews that could ruin their chances

Weston Mercury: Mistakes can include talking too much and turning up to an interview way too earlyMistakes can include talking too much and turning up to an interview way too early (Image: Canva)

1. Not checking your tech before the interview

Sky News spoke to Tas Ravenscroft, senior consultant at recruitment firm Cherry Pick People, who said that not checking the technology or site where the interview is being hosted could disrupt the process.

"This is especially crucial as most first interviews are now conducted via video conferencing," she added.

2. Criticising previous employers

Ravenscroft said she had come across some people speaking badly of their former employers in interviews which doesn't reflect well on them.

She added: "Instead, my advice is to focus on the lessons learned and how you've grown from challenges in your career."

3. Not asking questions at the end

Ravenscroft emphasised how important it was to ask questions at the end of an interview as it shows you're interested.

She said: "I'd say in your first interview, ask about company culture, day to day tasks, expectations of this role, who's the best performer and why? 

"Questions I'd stay away from are benefit-related questions, or I recently had someone ask what the sick pay policy was like in the first interview… Safe to say they didn't get invited back. If you work with a recruiter, you will have salary and benefits info before, so no need to ask on interview."

4. Not dressing appropriately

Sky News spoke to Paul Webley, managing director of Blaze Media Digital Marketing Agency in Merseyside, who brought up dressing appropriately for the job you're trying to get as a key thing to keep in mind.

He explained: "If you are coming for an interview in a marketing agency, dress smart. No need to be in a suit. It's cute if you are but just dress how you would expect to dress in the job and, if in doubt, err on the side of being slightly smarter."

5. Complaining

Paul said: "We had someone a few months ago tell us that they didn't think they should have to come into the office for an interview. This was for an office-based role. If they don't think it's worth coming in then the job is not going to be for them."

6. Handshake mishaps

This may depend on who you're having an interview with, but a weak handshake might not come across well to some.

Paul said: "There is nothing more off-putting than a limp shake. Having a firm, polite handshake is a basic human skill in business and beyond."

7. Not showing enthusiasm

Sky News also spoke to Mike Carlucci, managing director of Reading-based Italian-food importer Tenuta Marmorelle, who commented on how some people lacked enthusiasm in their interviews.

He explained: "A lot of people at the moment are applying for everything and anything. They apply for hundreds of jobs.

"The result is that you get applicants who are not enthusiastic or passionate about the role or sector as they see it just as a job."

8. Being under-prepared

Being aware of key aspects of the company and job role you are applying for are very important and a lack of research can become very apparent in interviews.

Habiba Khatoon, director of Robert Walters UK, said: "Most interviewers can easily catch on when a candidate has turned up unprepared and when they do, they can lose interest in that candidate quite quickly."

9. Talking too much

Ian Nicholas, global managing director at Reed, says a common slip-up people make is to carry on talking after giving their answer.

"Some interviewers may purposely leave a pause just to see how the interviewee will react under the pressure - so be confident in what you've said and know when you've finished."

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10. Being late - or too early

James Rowe, managing director of the Recruitment Experts, says: "I would suggest arriving 20 minutes early to give you time to prepare, but don't walk through the door too soon!

"Turning up five to 10 minutes prior to your interview start time shows you're punctual but won't rush the hiring manager… they need breaks too!"