A local Karate Club senior students took part in a two-hour intense course practicing some advanced uses of the techniques that they learn in their weekly classes, but this time with a dangerous and eye-opening twist, at Bleadon Youth Club last month, 

Weston Chief Instructor and Fifth Dan Kevin Roberts introduced the aspect of weapons into the training.

These courses are held twice a year and only open to the highest couple of grades. 

After the informative course, several students applied to the Grade to the next belt and Weston had the privilege to award three of their students their First Dan.

Successful student AJ Pritchard-Roberts is one of Weston's youngest students to ever attain First Dan Black Belt within the local club. 

Although only 12, he has trained with vigour ever since he joined at the age of seven, his goal has always been to be one of the clubs instructors in the future, just like his Granddad and Grandma, who are the club's instructors.

Successful students Sam Hemmens and Sarah-Louise Weston also attained their First Dan Black Belt. 

Even though they are a little older than AJ, the training & Gradings are exactly the same. They have both also been training for well over 6 years. 

After the First Dan Grading took place two of the clubs existing Dan Grades attempted their grading. Kiki Lagou, who returned to the club after finishing University, attained Second Dan.

Long standing clubs Instructors Lewis Alder achieved his Third Dan. These grades are even rarer than the statistics for achieving First Dan as Alder is only the third person in the long history of the club to gain this mementos grade. 

If you are interested in trying Karate please contact Kevin or Michelle Roberts for more details on 07454338217 or email westonkarateclub@hotmail.co.uk.