It's been a busy week for Congresbury Bowls as the club played eight games which included four league fixtures, three cup games and friendly.

Unfortunately, the Men’s teams lost in all three of their league matches with a loss against Clevedon in the Britannia Windows Evening League and two losses in the Over 55’s League.

The Ladies, however, came out on top in their league game after beating Victoria 42-61 and collecting eight points for the league table.

Top scoring rink on the day for the Ladies was J Byett, S Duerden, C Andrew as they won 29-14.

There were also some good results in the cups for the Men’s team after winning games in two separate competitions.

They won in the National Top Club cup, beating Long Ashton by three disciplines to two with a total of 93-77 and in the North Somerset 4 Dimensions Cup, where they hosted Chew Stoke and won three disciplines to one.

The Ladies were not so successful in their National Top Club match, losing 3-1 in disciplines against Portishead RBL Ladies Team, but triumphed in their friendly against local rivals Yatton 63-41.