Victoria Bowling Club had five games in the past seven days and the fixtures came with some mixed results.

The Ladies got the week off to a good start on Tuesday with a good win against Wedmore in the Weston League.

The match began with The Vic taking an eight-point lead after nine ends and this was built upon to see Victoria win 62-41.

Two triples won by nine shots, firstly S Sokol, A Culpeck and B Williams matched by P Taylor, F Payne and S Harrison.

The most rewarding win came from A Holland, M Kelly and M Slavin who despite trailing 3-14 after eleven ends miraculously fought back to win 21-18.

Wednesday saw the men welcome Somerton in the County Top Club played over five dimensions.

C Gazzard set the Vic on the way with a comfy 15-08 win in the two woods.

The triple of S Davies, D Carpenter and C Heal produced the biggest win of the night 25-07.

The duo of D Nutt and D Wheatley also won 24-12 and the foursome of Cooper, Coumis, Owen and Sloman wrapped up a 4-1 triumph for Victoria.

Thursday saw The Vikings beaten 91-131 against a very strong Banwell team.

One positive was the performance of R Stone, R Bryant and G Frost who secured a draw on their rink.

Friday evening witnessed Victoria travelling to Taunton in the National double rink.

The match was close from the start but slowly the Westonians edged in front and looked in control.

However, with one bowl to come The Vic held the shot but the last bowl from Taunton rocked to and fro eventually settling on the Taunton wood to give the custodians a 32-31 win.

This was a hard pill to swallow but praise for the S Davies, C Gazzard, A Bradley and M Cooper rink who won 17-15.

The last game of the week saw the Victoria Whites travel to Wedmore.

It was an excellent contest with both teams winning one rink each and the other was tied.

Unfortunately for Victoria the overall score went in favour of the home team who secured a 46-58 win.

B Williams, R Bailey and M Kelly showed up well winning 24-11 and the trio of A Holland, J Hartree and E Williams earned the draw.