This week saw Clarence Bowling Club’s squads play three matches, with their men’s team winning chasing the top of the table after their two games and the Ladies recording a big win.

A super win for the Blues against Mark Moor saw them win 139-67 and take maximum points from the match.

Best rink goes to Mike Fry and Doug Grier with Skip Allan Cord who were all square after four ends but slowly applied pressure to pull away to a 20-shot win.

The win also put Clarence momentarily on top of the table.

The Ladies were back to winning ways in the Weston District Ladies League as they beat Portishead 77-40.

Rink of the Day went to Ange Sims and Jill Coles alongside skip Carol Edlin who were straight out of the traps taking nine-shots from the first two ends and were run away winners by 18-shots.

The Blues lost their top league position after a tight 91-94 loss to Clevedon Promenade in their last game of the week.

With three winning rinks apiece, it came down to shots and The Blues lost out by three-shots.

Rink of the Match goes to Reg Flicker and Ben Benstead with skip Sweet, as they edged their game 17-16 following a last-minute score from Sweet.