This week Winscombe Bowling Club’s Men had four games and the Ladies two, as they went on to win three of the six games on offer.

First up were two fixtures in the Weston and District Over 55s League with Winscombe’s Originals and Pioneers in action.

The Originals took on the Victoria Saxons away in yet another close game that was reminiscent of last year’s Cup Fixture.

The Winscombe Originals came from behind to secure a narrow three shot win against the Saxons to win 103-100 and secure 12 league points.

Good wins for the rinks skipped by Tony Watts and Rob Lacy, winning 27-14 and 23-9 respectively, supported by narrow defeats on the others resulted in the victory.

The Pioneers then took on Mark Moor at home in a match that Winscombe should’ve won.

They did win thee rinks to two with one draw, but it is shots that count and Winscombe were 8 shots short of victory with the final score being 101-93 in Mark Moor’s favour.

Winscombe then had two games in the Somerset County League.

The ‘A’ team took on Isle of Wedmore away in the County League Premier League 2, losing 59-61 overall.

On the face of it this was a disappointing result for the ‘A’ team but there were some excellent performances.

Steve Heeley's rink came back from five shots down after ten ends to win 18-15 and Mike Adams' rink came back from 7-20 after thirteen ends to win 26-20 and help secure four league points for the squad.

Winscombe’s ‘B’ team were also in action, taking on Nailsea ’B’ at home in their second game of the season.

The ‘B’ team went on to win a close battle 57-55, recording their second win from two games and putting them up to fourth place in the league table with games in hand.

Winscombe’s Ladies had two games this week and first up was a home fixture against Clarence in The North Somerset Triples League.

It was frustrating afternoon for Winscombe Ladies as every rink made a poor start but battled back to come so close, eventually losing by just five shots as the final scores read 48-53 to the visitors.

The ladies then played Mark Moor in an away friendly with the match resulting in a 59-51 victory, with the triples rink of Sue Hares, Joan Hunt, and Margaret Howell recording the biggest winning margin.

Full results:

Over 55’s Winscombe Originals v Victoria Saxons Away: 103-100 win

G Keenan, M Smart, A Watts 27-14; J Sprouting, B Andrews, R Lacy 23-9; C Greenwood, C Bryant, M Curtis13-15; M Newing, Tape, M Adams 12-25; M Fletcher, D Brown, G Coombe 16-19;D Johnson, B Paul, G Neville 12-18

Over 55's Winscombe Pioneers v Mark Moor at Home: 93-101 loss

A Pow, D B Light, P Cast 21-12; A Broadbent. R Bennett, J Coleman 15 - 15; K Whatling. L Collier, M Nash 14 - 16; D Holt, J Hart, W Ainsworth 16 - 10; L VanHaaren, M Williamson, R Pike 8-30; K Webber, M Rolls, K Horler 19 – 18

Somerset County Premier League 2: Winscombe A v Isle of Wedmore Away: 59-61 loss

M Fletcher, D Brown, G Coombe, S Heeley 18 - 15; G Keenan, C Bryant, M Curtis, M Adams 26 - 20; R Lacy, M Smart, K Bolton, M Dorrington 15 – 26

Somerset County League Div 2 North Winscombe B v Nailsea B at Home: 57-55 win

W Ainsworth, D Johnson, M Nash, B Paul 19 - 15; J Sprouting, K Horler, D Peakall (capt), A Watts 14 - 26

Winscombe Ladies v Clarence in The North Somerset Triples League at Home: 48-53 loss

Rink 1   Shelley Carson, Gill Webb, Margaret Howell 13-17; 
Rink 2   Carol Hopes, Yvonne Greenwood, Chrissie Bryant 18-17;
Rink 3   Pauline Pow, Barbara Smart, Angela Bougourd 17-19

Winscombe Ladies Friendly v Mark Moor Away: 59-51 win

Triples: Pauline Pow, Jane Bolton, Angie Ainsworth 14-8; Sue Hares, Joan Hunt, Margaret Howell 17-8; Carol Hopes, Eve Watts, Barbara Smart 6-20;
Pairs:  the Winscombe duo beat the Winscombe/Mark Moor duo 22-15