Victoria Bowling Club was in a whirlwind of fixtures this week as they played six games, including an important win for the A team in the Somerset Bowls Premier One Division.

Victoria’s hectic week finished on a high when the A team recorded a great home win against Purnell in the top flight of Somerset Bowls.

With all three rinks winning the team won 12-0 with a final score of 64-38.

The S Davies team of P Coumis, P Owen and C Heal won by eleven 23-12 and the M Cooper quartet of C Gazzard, T Puddy, and A Jackson won by the same margin at 22-11.

Finally, the D Nutt rink with D Carpenter, D Wheatley and A Bradley completed the scoring.

Victoria Saxons went into action on Tuesday when they welcomed Winscombe to the Quadrant for a top of the table clash.

Victoria just lost out by an agonising three shots 100-103, despite four of the six rinks going to the Westonians.

M Cooper, N Robbins and R Rockett led the way winning 25-12. P Owen, D Carpenter and M Campbell came from behind to record an 18-12 triumph.

On Thursday the Vikings claimed a great win away against Ashcombe Templars.  

Stars for this match were the D Fairhurst, P Sharp and L Kelly trio who had a superb 25-11 win to lay the foundations for the victory.

Skip R Stone aided by two Puddy brothers, Steve and Keith, also won well 17-09.

Finally, the triple of G Frost, B Nicholls and D Hubbard won a close battle 18-17 to give the Victorians a 99-92 win.

The next round of the Tony Allcock trophy was also played on Thursday evening and in a close encounter Victoria lost 28-37.

However, there was a good showing by the C Gazzard, T Miles, P Coumis and K Wilson who drew their rink 18-18.

Saturday morning saw the two Vic Ladies teams go head-to-head, and it was the Blues who came out on top.

Leading the way S Cooper, T Miles and A Culpeck 21-10, supported by F Waters, M Slavin and V Edwards 19-10, the Whites did have a consolation through S Harrison, P Turner and E Williams who won 24-13.

This all resulted in a 53-44 victory for the Blues.

On Saturday Victoria C travelled to take on Congresbury B team, and the Vic team pulled off an excellent win.

Leading the way was the R Stone rink with C Cleeves, B Nicholls and D Jones gelling well to win 27-15, this was closely followed by J Smart team of M Payne, M Willets and N Sell 27-18 to give Victoria a great 68-59 triumph.